😱 NEW TRADING STRATEGY | How to Analyze the Market to Make Money Online
Binary Options Trading Strategies: A Step-by-Step Guide
Our victory should be right here, right soon. I hope that it will go to the downward position to the negative territory. Yes, we got it!
Hi, I am Mia, and I’m experienced in binary options. All that I wanted to say is that I’ve created my own binary school on Telegram. It’s absolutely free, so if you want to trade with me, join me, and get signals for free, just click this link and be there. That’s what it takes.
Hello guys, welcome back to my channel. I’m so happy to see you here. Let’s start this lovely training on Kit Option, but before we do, don’t forget to click on subscribe so you do not miss my next videos. If you haven’t done it yet, and of course, if you want to receive my trades for free and accept trades, I also have good tips, advice, and strategies on my Telegram channel. You can find it in the bio, so join there and follow me.
Profitable Indicators for Binary Options
Today’s session consists of super profitable indicators, and it’s so easy to follow them, guys. I love this kind of trading, and I hope that you love it too. Let’s go!
Before we start the trading, one minute times prepared amount $458. As you can see, I’m choosing something from stocks with the highest percentage of payout available, as well as currency. Also, something from water, something from real assets, and cryptocurrencies. I like them too. Okay, let’s choose this one, and what about this position?
Did you click on Bitcoin or not? Probably not, I forgot. Okay, that’s fine.
Setting Up Indicators
So, as you can see, I already prepared the indicators. I am just choosing them and editing them a little bit. The back step is five. For both styles, I choose purple, I mean blue color. Its period is 15. For styles, I am just choosing the green and the red one, okay, and some additional indicators which I added under the chart. So it’s RSI.
RSI is already prepared, and the oscillator’s period, I mean short period. The long period is 18, our styles are fine, so everything is good. Just save right now, guys. We can see a perfect position for a downtrend because before, candles touched the highest level of the D Channel, and also as we can see on RSI, the highest level of this indicator was almost touched too, so we are ready. Let’s go!
Understanding Market Trends
Okay, right here, I can see an update on the long-term uptrend. If we follow the momentum strategy, of course, I am following it. As we can see on the chart, candles are inside the negative direction. In the negative territory on the RSI, we can see that the line is still less than level 50, but if we look at the D Channel, we can see that before, it touched the lowest level of its movement. Right now, it should go to the upward trend.
Also, if you look at the zigzag, we can see that it is exactly moving to the downtrend, and right now, it’s still not showing us the upward position, but it will, guys, because the zigzag is a really, really momentum indicator, and it will show us the upward trend. When? Yes, it will be 100% upward trend. Right now, I feel super relaxed about the results because they are positive. We have won this trade.
That means that we tested the strategy, that means that it works, and we are ready to go.
Choosing the Right Market
Okay, I’ve chosen the market, but I’m not sure I will stay here. This one, this one is better. You can see that it’s a lower-term upward position. Probably I will follow the upward trend, and yes, of course, I just decided to follow it, guys.
I think I’m right about it, yes, so I put $800 on the upward trade, and I can be sure I’m right about it because RSI is right now in a positive direction and candles are going to the upward trend too. Let’s see. As you can see, it was just a small steep slope. After I clicked on the upper trend, the candles just were under my baseline. But right now, everything is perfect.
We have won this trade, that’s absolutely a victory for us. $1,500 already on my balance. Zigzag is showing us the upward trend, so it will go there until the candles touch the D Channel’s highest level. Okay, let’s go for the next one because I think we can do much more today.
Maximizing Profits
Okay, we have chosen the market. Let me fix it. This one is much better. As we can see on the chart, it was a long-term downward trend, and before the candles just started to be green, they were on the oscillator. Right now, they are going to the upper trend, probably, but if we look at the chart, we can see a really long-term down position, and probably it’s just a steep slope. Especially if we look at the RSI, we can see that right now it’s in a negative direction.
So I think I’m right about it. Our victory should be right here, right soon. Five, four, three, two, one. Yes, we got it! $2,300, guys. You can see this long-term position, which the zigzag is showing us. It’s perfect and a great point, and we are going for the next one.
Final Thoughts
As we can see, the downward trend is still showing, but I don’t like the payout. It’s 89. It’s not really important for us. So 92 is much better. I’m choosing here. For investment, in my opinion, it should be a downward position because the zigzag, first of all, didn’t show us the downward line. I mean the upward line is still just showing the upward position as you can see. And we can see on the chart that candles are right now in a negative direction, and RSI is also in the middle of its movement.
It doesn’t know what it should do actually, it’s just still in the middle. So I hope that it will go to the downward position to the negative territory because it will be a big victory for us. Especially if we look at the D Channel, we can see that the highest level, the highest line, I mean the green line, is just going to the downward direction, and it’s really big for us for the downward trend. And it’s probably yes, victory with our balance is $4,500. So I’m going to withdraw with this payment method and just click on continue, and that’s it.
The withdrawal has been sent. When I check my mail and see the money in my balance, I will send you all proof right here, so you will see it in my video. That was really wonderful trading. Thank you guys for your support. So if you like this trading, click on like and leave your positive comments. If you want to repeat this success personally with me, just write me direct messages on Telegram, and I think that I’ll find some time for you. See you there!
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